Nenen Meaning

Nenen (diminutive of Maren) is the affectionate term for "Godmother" in Haitian Creole.

Highly revered in Haitian culture, Nenens carry the momentous honor of being maternal benefactors. Known to lavish her filleule or filleul (goddaughter and godson, respectively) with gifts and money, the Nenen also curates a fuller life for her godchildren through rich experiences. She ensures that beyond the basic necessities of life, which are furnished by one's parents, the beneficiary receives the supplemental supports needed to thrive in society.

At Nenen, we believe in the sacredness of the maternal journey as a revelation of God's heart and mind to mothers. In that, we seek to provide the tools that new and expecting moms need to rest well and to thrive physically and mentally.

Our hope is that Nenen provides you with the support you need to find fullness.